Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello World

Welcome to my blog. Many who know me, know that I am planner with an opinion on many things. It is my hope that I can share ideas and opinions in this blog with other planners, both professional and citizen planners, as well as non-planners with an interest in the topics reflected in these pages.

The pages will include discussions of issues that strike me as needing exploration, musings about humerous occurances that we all face, opinions and occasionally small gems of information that I stumble upon in various reports or email lists I subscribe to.

I hope you enjoy the blog, provide me with your thoughts and comments and return often to see what I am going on about. The site comments will be moderated, I want this to remain a somewhat professional blog. I will edit profanity, personal attacks etc. to maintain the integrity of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Dan, I just stumbled on your blog. It is a great idea. Thanks for doing it.
