I have spent a lot of time harping on how the Land Use Partnership Act infringes on Home Rule Authority of Massachusetts cities and towns. There is a second piece of legislation which is an equal intrusion into community affairs. This legislation has to do with wind turbines. The proposal calls for changing the review process at the local level for wind turbines of 2 megawatts or larger - the largest of the largest turbines. In areas identified by a state commission, these turbines will receive an expedited review by a committee comprised of one Planning Board member, one Zoning Board member and one Conservation Commission member. The proposal will be reviewed at the local level based upon criteria established by the state. While the proposal may be rejected by the city or town, such an action will be reviewed by the State Facilities Siting Board for determination as to whether the action is consistent with state plans. It has been referred to as a Chapter 40B for the utility companies. The following link will take you to a Cape Cod Times editorial on the subject:
End Of Home Rule?
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