The post title is a question posed by Governor Patrick that will be addressed at an upcoming State Economic Summit. The Governor states in the Boston Globe article he wants to "bring together key business, financial and state officials from important job sectors and different regions in the state." It is unfortunate that local government is being left out of this discussion. I know we could be a major asset to the process.
I think we could start by pulling together a comprehensive state wide planning process. Not the piecemeal right-hand not knowing what the left-hand is doing process that is currently in place.
The framework needs to look at all the required planning documents impacting local government and move forward from there. Every five years we are required to pull together an Open Space and Recreation Plan a major goal of which is to identify land preservation needs. We are now also required to prepare a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan which requires us to identify areas at risk of flood, wind, fire or other hazards and to identify methods for reducing or eliminating the potential for risk to human life or property. We are also required to prepare a Local Housing Action Plan to address the creation of affordable housing.
It is interesting that while the above are required, the idea of having an up-to-date Local Comprehensive Plan is optional. Also, while some towns have created Economic Development Plans these plans are also optional.
So, "how do we shape our future?" It is a good question, lets start with the plan. We need an Office of State Planning. The Office would be above Housing and Economic Development, above Transportation, and above Energy and Environment. They would direct the activities of these other agencies and pull together the state comprehensive plan.
Local Comprehensive Plans would also need to be required. These local plans would need to address and pull together all the items we currently are required and encouraged to study. Open Space, Housing, Hazards, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Waste Water Management all need to be pulled into a single document.
This is taking a long term view, and will not address the immediate economic situation. However, the long term view will set us up for a stronger economic future.
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