Monday, February 15, 2010

What Goes Around, Comes Around

The American Planning Association put up one of its historic Planning Advisory Service documents this month for all to consider, Hot Rods, Car Clubs and Drag Strips. After reading it, I was surprised how easily it would be to substitute one of today's more popular activities, off road recreational vehicles, for the hot rods.

The PAS report, from 1955 discusses how popular hot rods and drag racing were becoming in that era. It provided information on how some communities were adapting to these new demands by creating areas for car clubs and even sanctioned drag strips.

Today, the same could be said about the two, three and four wheel off-road recreational vehicles, except that the idea that areas should be set aside for sanctioned activities.

As planners, we should think about the needs of everyone in the community. Do we have significant, moto-cross type activities occurring? Do they have sanctioned, safe facilities? Can the community find a location for such a facility? If so, perhaps the same approach as took place in the 1950's for hot rods and drag strips should be taken for these newer activities.

Just something to think about. We can learn from our past, and repeating these lessons may not be a bad idea.

What goes around, most certainly comes around when it comes to recreational activities.

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