Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Is Just So Wrong On So Many Levels

I subscribe through RSS to Planning and Zoning Headlines. It provides me with an opportunity to see news reports from around the country on various planning issues. I have found it to be quite interesting to read about various planning initiatives in other areas. It is quite amazing the number of different news stories that come up everyday. However, occasionally an article comes along that makes you ask "is this for real?"

The following story out of Greensboro provides one such example, Zoning Says Students, Chemicals a Good Mix. The article clearly points out the importance of Master Planning, and sticking to it. To think that residents would essentially use other people as the "canary in a coal mine" to try to force out a long-time business is astounding. The fact that the zoning panel in the article actually agreed with the neighbors who supported a rezoning so that people would be living on top of a chemical plant is dumbfounding.

No one in the article is quoted as saying the paint factory should be rezoned. The description of the land uses in the article clearly illustrate that the heavy industry zoning for the property is appropriate. The idea of rezoning land, located on top of such a zoning district to any form of residential seems mistaken.

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