Thursday, May 14, 2009

Smart Growth or Not So Smart Growth?

As we continue the discussion of the Land Use Partnership Act (LUPA) and Community Planning Act II (CPA II) there are many issues to think about.  Here is one article that needs to be considered.   A key quote to consider is "Just having the ability to walk or bike to recurring destinations, such as a food store, school or workplace, makes it more likely people will be more active...."  Is Chapter 40B smart?  Can LUPA make the grade?  What about CPA II?

Are specified housing targets smart growth?  Is a program to construct housing in every community to achieve 10% affordability promoting sprawl?  Is setting a target for 5% housing growth in every community, every ten years smart growth, or is it promoting more automobile  travel? 

Is placing restrictions on a community's ability to require sidewalks as mitigation for development impacts improving people's health or promoting driving? 

Just some things to think about.

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